America's Army | Antiwargame | Al Quaidamon | Bad Dudes vs. Bin Laden | Baghdad Defender | Blood of Bin Laden | Desert Combat | Enduring Freedom | Kabul Kaboom | Lapsus Memoriae | Marine Doom | New York Defender | Osamagotchi | Sept. 12th, A Toy War | Spacewar! | The Suicide Bomber Game | TerrorWar | The Ultimate War Sim | UnderSeige | Velvet Strike | Whack Osama
America's Army | Apache Attack | Cory Arcangel: Bomb Iraq | Close Combat: First to Fight | Conflict: Desert Storm | Conflict: Vietnam | Workspace Unlimited: Diplomatic Arena | John Klima: The Great Game | Full Spectrum Warrior | Grouchy Media: Die Terrorists Die | Gulf War 2 | Kuma\War: Uday and Qusay's Last Stand | Medal of Honor: Frontline | Medal of Honor: Rising Sun | Special Force | UnderSeige
A documentary by Pasqua Vorgia and Mihalis Gripiotis about the American military-entertainment complex, featuring an interview with Ed Halter. In addition, the directors and Halter collaborated on researching key topics pertaining to both WWV and From Sun Tzu to Xbox.
A documentary about art and videogames by Marcin Ramocki and Justin Strawhand, featuring Ed Halter, Alex Galloway, Cory Arcangel, Eddo Stern, John Klima and many more.